Available Here: Spider Care

Spider Plant Care: How To Grow Chlorophytum Comosum

Dislike 0 Published on 15 May 2018

The Spider Plant, or Chlorophytum Comosum, is an extremely popular houseplant, and for good reason. It's gorgeous, easy to care for, and spider plant babies sprout from it non-stop, making it easy to propagate.

Along with learning how to water spider plants (it's a bit different than most houseplants), you'll learn how to grow spider plants from A to Z. We'll talk about different varieties of the spider plant you can get as well:

- Chlorophytum Comosum 'Variegatum'
- Chlorophytum Comosum 'Reverse Variegatum'
- Chlorophytum Laxum 'Zebra'
- Hawaiian Spider Plant

At the end, I'll answer the most commonly-asked questions from the Epic Gardening community as well.


Epic Gardening is much more than a YouTube channel. I have a website with 300+ gardening tutorials as well as a podcast where I release daily gardening tips in five minutes or less. There's also a Facebook group with over 1,500 other gardeners sharing their tips.

→ Full Article: https://www.epicgardening.com/spider-plant/
→ Website: http://www.epicgardening.com/blog
→ Podcast: https://apple.co/2nkftuk
→ FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/epicgardening/


→ Amber Spray Bottles: https://amzn.to/2KtC3gn


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Thumbnail photo by Jorbasa, licensed under Creative Commons: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jorbasa/8430259010/