Available Here: Snake Diet Advice

Corn snake care Video part 3

Dislike 0 Published on 31 Jan 2009

Remember You are responsible for not only for its food and housing, but also for researching your pet's needs thoroughly. Do not take this caresheet meaning that this is all correct or accuriate please do your own research it is best way for you to learn more about your reptile at hand and better educates you so you will know everything there is to know about the certain pet (Reptile) you are accuring about. And no information given to you by pet store personnel should be solely relied upon. Stories of wrong information being given to new pet owners by pet store personnel, are mostly wrong because the employees there are there for one thing and one thing only 9 times out of 10 and that is for a pay check nothing more nothing less. Be sure to read up on the stuff before heading out to buy yourself a reptile please. And my best advice to you is please find a breeder who is qualified and has the knowledge of the reptile your seeking not only is it cheaper but the quality of health is usually a heck of a lot better and the experience of buying from a breeder and getting there knowledge is way better then some pet store.

For more questions go to extremeserpents.com we got alot of good people to help you out there or you can email me on youtube with any questions
