Available Here: Snake Care

SSBB Snake Codec Call - Lucas

Dislike 0 Published on 25 Apr 2009


Before you begin reading this, I'd like to apologize for the delay. I needed to take care of some things in RL and I didn't have enough time to record, render into HD, and then upload it to youtube.
If some of you were wondering, I already have the codec calls for Ness, Lucas, Olimar, and Shiek. I just need to render them and upload them. I'll try to get at least one in each day.

Because so many people leave comments asking me how to do the codec calls, I will leave the instructions in all my new codec calls from now on.

I know it's been awhile but I've decided to finish my codec calls. And when they're done I will put them in a play list for you guys.

Now I hear that most of you do not know how do do this and have asked me.

[Instructions for codec call]
1.On the character select screen, choose Snake.
2.Pick his stage, shadow moses island.
3.[VERY IMPORTANT] *You need a gamecube controller for this otherwise it will not work!* Rapidly press the D - pad down, if done fast enough snake will crouch down and put his hand on his intercom. The codec begins.
4.Enjoy! This can be done on wifi, brawl, training etc. *But you have to use snake and his stage*