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Californian King Snake - Tank Set Up

Dislike 0 Published on 20 Dec 2009

I just wanted to take a break from my fish and show you guys one of my favorite snakes...My desert phase Cal King. Like i said in the video, he's 7 years old and about 4.3 to 4.5 feet long. He lives in a 20 gallon-long tank up in my room. he eats one frozen-thawed adult mouse per week (I feed all of my snakes frozen-thawed mice rather than live in order to avoid possible injury to the snake, as well as avoiding the mouse having to suffer. Its just a safer and more humane way to go about feeding.) As for all the things in his tank, i think i went over pretty much everything in the video.

There are somethings i probably forgot to mention in the video so if you have any questions about my king snake, his tank, or snakes in general, leave a comment and ill be happy to answer.