Available Here: Snake Care

Must Know Facts about Snake Plant - aka Sansevieria or Bowstring-hemp

Dislike 0 Published on 7 Jan 2018

Snake plant is classic
yet versatile houseplant
with sword like foliage design.
It is excellent for the forgetful gardener
and its considered a top air purifying plant
for indoor environment.
Its a lucky plant as per Feng Shui too.

The Snake Plant or Sansevieria
is a member of the Lily Family.
It is also known as
"Mother-in-Law’s tongue"
and "Bowstring-hemp".
The durability of Sansevieria
makes it an excellent choice
for apartment dwellers
that often have limited success with houseplants.

Snake Plant is the most tolerant
of all decorative plants
to survive the most unsuitable growing conditions,
abuse and neglect, a plant could receive.

Basically, you have to work really hard to kill it.

Here are some Amazing Health Benefits of having Snake Plants in your home:

Air Purifier

The Sansevieria is an ideal plant for indoor spaces
because it is a superb air purifier.
The plant removes toxins from the air
such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene,
and nitrogen oxides, etc.
and is ideal for chemical industries & workspaces.

Releases Night Time Oxygen

It converts a lot of Carbon dioxide to Oxygen at night,
making it ideal to have several in your bedroom.
6 to 8 plants are needed per person
to survive if there is no air flow
(meaning you could live in a completely air sealed room
if you had these plants).
The snake plant also removes formaldehyde from the air.

Helps fight Allergies and Sick Building Syndrome

Snake plant absorbs toxins and releases oxygen.

Persons with allergies, therefore,
should find a friend in such plants
because they are a natural
and cheap way to stay healthy.
Further, public spaces and workplaces, especially,
should be aware of the value of air-purifying plants for these reasons.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) describes the way
the health of certain individuals
of a certain residence or building
acquires moderate to acute symptoms
that are linked to the building
while no specific illness can be identified.
Most of the symptoms involved with SBS
appear to be related to poor indoor air quality.
The Sansevieria is a ready remedy for SBS.

Hard to Kill & Easiest to Maintain

Snake plant care is very straightforward.
These plants can be neglected for weeks at a time;
yet, with their strappy leaves
and architectural shape, they still look fresh.

They really are the easiest of plants to look after,
and will happily reward your lack of attention
by giving clean air to your home
and a little cheer in the corner of any room.

If You Want A Houseplant That:

Is tough indoors
Can be placed just about anywhere
Takes up little space
Goes a long time between watering
A good starter plant for the house
Can start outside in spring and move inside

Snake Plant is a Perfect Pick.