Available Here: Rabbit Breeding

Rabbit Farm🐰🐇(INDIAN)

Dislike 0 Published on 22 Sep 2014

Gray jaint,Soviet chinchila,Newzealand white these are variety's of this farm

Lepus ni­gri­col­lis are also called black-naped hares due to the patch of black fur that runs along the nape of the neck. The top of the tail is also black and the back and face are brown with black hairs scat­tered through­out. The un­der­parts are white. Total length ranges from 40 to 70 cm and weight ranges from 1.35 to 7 kg.

Like all hares, they have long ears and large hind feet which are well furred. There is some ev­i­dence that hares that have been in­tro­duced to is­lands are smaller than those in main­land India. Re­gard­less of lo­ca­tion, fe­male L. ni­gri­col­lis tend to be larger than males.

Usually they spend much of the day­time sleep­ing in "forms" or de­pres­sions made in the grass. Oc­ca­sion­ally they will be seen stretched out on their sides, sun­ning them­selves. They are pri­mar­ily di­ur­nal and soli­tary, though may ag­gre­gate some­what for breed­ing.

Dur­ing mat­ing sea­son, male be­come ag­gres­sive, spar­ring with other males using their forepaws and "box­ing" with their hind feet. Males will at­tempt to mate with as many fe­males as they can. Re­pro­duc­tion rates tend to be at their high­est dur­ing the wet sea­son, though L. ni­gri­col­lis will gen­er­ally breed year round. The in­creased rate of re­pro­duc­tion is likely the re­sult of an in­crease in nu­tri­ent rich foods. On av­er­age, 69% of adult fe­males are preg­nant every year. In L. ni­gri­col­lis dayanus, re­pro­duc­tion is also de­pen­dent on the length of the day. One to eight young are born after a ges­ta­tion pe­riod of 41 to 47 days. Sex­ual ma­tu­rity oc­curs in the year fol­low­ing birth...

Young hare, called lev­erets, are pre­co­cial at birth. They are born well furred and with open eyes. The fe­male gives birth in a "form", or hol­low made in the grass. She will hide her young in dense veg­e­ta­tion and visit them for nurs­ing, which lasts 2 to 3 weeks. Young hares are odor­less and will re­main very still while hid­den. They will usu­ally not breed until they are at least 1 year old.
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