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Paul Wheaton Permaculture Keynote - 72 Bricks to Build a Better World

Dislike 0 Published on 23 Aug 2013

http://permies.com This is the keynote presentation I (paul wheaton) gave at the 2013 Southern California Permaculture Convergence. Not for the tender of ears, as I enjoy using the full beauty of the english language.

rocket mass heater
500 hot showers from one compost pile
paddock shift systems
diatomaceous earth
rumford fireplace
solar food dehydrators
double chamber cob oven
home scale DIY threshers
convert road kill to chicken feed with maggots
colony collapse disorder solved
bicycle panniers from kitty litter buckets
cob houses
fukuoka out-produces conventional rice
refrigeration without power
home made $1700 shipping container
apple tree from seed / not pruning
farmstead meatsmith's chopping block
raw milk
electric tractor
relationship between ethics and bricks
the cult in permaculture
poop and pee as a resource instead of a pollutant
unravelling the greenwashing of the CFL
fence made from pallets hold in goats and pigs
jumping spiders vs. brown recluse
poo-less: no soap or shampoo in the shower
natural swimming pool
catch a mouse without a mousetrap
flea control
bee hut
never buy chicken feed again; what to plant
stealth pond
black locust
greening deserts

Thanks to the permaculture voices conference for pulling this event together and arranging for the video footage. http://permaculturevoices.com

Thanks to Barthélémy Glumineau http://studiomelies.com for doing the editing so quickly! And to Erik Hjermstad for getting the video footage.

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