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What Homesteading Today Looks Like

Dislike 0 Published on 21 Oct 2015

Homesteading today doesn't mean that you live in a mud hut deep in the woods. In this video Becky gives you a tour of her homestead and shows you all the things going on this year. She gives you a look at her meat hog, backyard chickens, pot belly pig, horses, mules, and donkeys, and ducks.

If you're thinking about starting your own homestead my advice is always to start small. Don't run out and get 20 chickens and 10 meat pigs. It's way more work than you think, and you'll just be trading one rat race for another.

This video is a good one to watch if you're a beginner who wants to see if homesteading is something you want to get into.

Becky's Amazon Link: http://goo.gl/Y9Vgmj