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closed canopy organic gardening is food forest prep

Dislike 0 Published on 3 Feb 2011

http://www.permies.com Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski shows off what he calls "closed canopy gardening" - the idea is to reduce the amount of sun that reaches the soil. You can hardly see the paths. This is an early phase for a food forest or for agro forestry. Already well beyond an organic garden. As part of his presentation, he talks a little about: gooseberries, squash, (thornless) honey locust, calendula, mulberry, lovage, worm seed, peppers, dill, leeks, horseradish, asparagus, garlic chives, columbine, echincacia, pole beans, summer savory, lavendar, hissop, potatoes, burdock, grape, teasel, raspberries, black currants, chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus), hissop, erronia berry, radish, eastern black cherry, blue elderberry, silverberry, nitrogen fixing, seeds, seed pods, mulch, organic matter, photosynthesis, roots, plants, berries, fruit, bee forage, insect forage, trees, shrubs, wild crafting, legumes and thorns.

Organic gardening is just the beginning.

Music by Jimmy Pardo