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The Lifestyle of a Market Hog Farmer Video

Dislike 0 Published on 20 Dec 2007

Working on a farm and living in the country is a lifestyle that this Canadian pig farmer would never change.

Transcript: (Market hog farm)

John -- It's a lifestyle. Faming, it's in your blood. You've got to like the animals. You've got to like the getting up early in the morning. It's a sense of satisfaction. I get up very early in the morning and I actually have a cup of coffee and watch the morning news in Toronto and watch the people going in their cars and dealing with the traffic and for me it's a comfort to just go out the door and walk to my barn and not even have to start the vehicle to do so.

There's always something happening all the time. It's never the same thing. You're a veterinarian. You're a farmer. You're an electrician. You're a welder. You're a fabricator. You do everything here. It's not just one occupation.

You're taking care of the environment too because it's your land. It's a sense of satisfaction.