Available Here: Micro Pig Breeding

Prissy & Bomber were on Animal Planet's Bad Dog & WON!!

Dislike 0 Published on 29 Jul 2012

Prissy and Bomber were on Animal Planet's Bad Dog Season 2, Episode 5 and WON the Baddest Dog award! Hey wait, that doesn't sound like a good thing LOL!

We are mini pot bellied pigs Prissy & Bomber! We like to have fun. We are very smart- did you know that pigs are rated the smartest domestic animal & 4th smartest of all animals after apes, whales & dolphins!! All pig breeds are playful & intelligent so please don't eat us! We love people & just want to be loved back!

Please adopt your pets! Teacup & micro pigs do not exist-- they get BIG when they grow up & are often abandoned because of their size. Sellers often fib to get your money-- underfeeding or inbreeding their pigs to keep them small which is unhealthy & shortens piggy lifespan.