Available Here: Micro Pig Breeding


Dislike 0 Published on 30 Dec 2011

Our Vision in raising and breeding Miniature Potbelly Pigs is to raise healthy, outstanding tempermental pigs for indoor house pets. We strive to produce a pig with small genes. Our family has been raising pigs for 10 years now .. and over the years, we have been breeding down pigs..smaller and smaller to get what we call a "Teacup Pig" Many breeders choose the name for what they will call there pigs . All babies when born will fit into a teacup and grow to be the average weight of 50lbs and less. There is no such thing as a 20 lb pig. Pigs do not continue growing until they reach the age of 3 years..and will not outgrow their genetics. This is very important when picking out your pig. You should always look at your pigs' parents before you buy one. 864-938-5139