Available Here: Mice Care

Auto Repair Tip Wilmington Delaware - Why Mice Get Into Your Car

Dislike 0 Published on 1 Jul 2009

Welcome To Buckley's Auto Care 302-999-8285. http://www.buckleysautocare.com. Rodents of all sizes are wreaking havoc under your hood and inside your car. These pics show what damage is being done. It's important to keep your vehicle and it's surroundings clean and free of any food items, hair and debris. These elements attract rodents because as the temperatures get cooler, they look for warm shelter. What's better than a warm engine or interior that offers food to go with it? In the rodents mind... Nothing. It's a Taj Mahal to them. So, make sure that you sweep or vacuum up any items that are tasty to rodents. And remember to store your pet foods in containers that can be secured and would be hard to open. The bags that the foods come in are no match for the gnawing little ones that can chew right through them.

Buckley's Auto Care
1604 E. Newport Pike
Wilmington, Delaware 19804

Service Hours: 7AM - 6PM

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