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Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1 Audiobook

Dislike 0 Published on 16 May 2017

This is chapter one of John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men.

In this chapter, we're introduced to Lennie and George - field workers in California who are about to start a new job. They were run out of their last job in Weed when Lennie, who is both physically gigantic and mentally slow, grabbed a girl's dress so he could feel it and she screamed. George, who is quick to anger and much smaller than Lennie, takes care of Lennie after Lennie's aunt died. They have a dream about owning a farm with rabbits (which is what Lennie wants) and not having anyone boss them around (which is what George wants) and Lennie always wants George to tell him about this ranch.

This project was created on an iPad Pro in the app Explain Everything.