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How to Get Rid of Mice in Your House | Amazing Tips for Getting Rid of Mice Naturally | Rodents

Dislike 0 Published on 24 Jul 2013

How-to video http://www.ChippTips.com/mice Check out this quick and effective trick on how to get rid of mice. This natural remedy works for controlling rodents in walls, attic, garage, and anywhere else in your house or apartment. Unfortunately, everyone turns to mouse traps or poisons when they discover that they have a problem. However, I would like to show you some simple tips that are equally as effective. It will allow you to get rid of your rodent problem without killing them.

Home extermination options for rodents vary from traps to poison baits. Learning how to get rid of mice with traps has drawbacks. Traditional snap traps are dangerous to use. Glue traps, in my opinion, are inhumane and very messy to dispose of. You need a very strong stomach to capture and learn how to kill a mouse. Poison baits are even more dangerous. I always try to deter people from using poison in their home under any circumstances (especially if they have children or pets). Toxic poisons sicken thousands of humans, pets and wildlife animals every year.

My advice is to think naturally when dealing with rodent control in your house. Watch this video to learn how to get rid of mice with home remedies that are 100% safe for humans, pets and the environment. This is the absolute best way to solve your problem.

Peppermint oil is an amazing repellent for getting rid of field mice. It is a powerful home remedy that has a very pleasing smell to humans but causes a host of problems for pests. Mice rely on their keen sense of smell to communicate, find food, avoid predators and survive. Peppermint oil affects their sense of safety, comfort and ability to function. It is also MUCH cheaper than calling Orkin. If you learn how to use it correctly, it will repel mice in your walls and away from your house forever. Remember to get the concentrate rather than the extract. Visit the link above for tips on how to apply it for best results.

Another great option is to grow peppermint plants in your home. They can also serve as a fantastic deterrent for rodents. You'll just need to do a tiny bit of research on how to take care of them. They also provide great flavor for cooking. I would recommend that you use the plants in conjunction with the concentrate oil to naturally eliminate any infestations fast. This would make your house extremely unpleasant and allow you to get rid of mice forever.

Having a mouse infestation can be frustrating. They hide in our walls and can contaminate our food with viruses and bacteria. It is no fun living with that fear. Populations grow fast so you should take action at the first sign of trouble. In addition to using peppermint oil there are a few more simple tips that you need to learn about how to get rid of mice.

Need more info? Here are some other helpful links

You should eliminate all possible feeding sites and keep your kitchen clean. Keep food in air tight containers and your trashcans should have tight fitting lids. The best way to get rid of a mouse is to keep them out in the first place. Check the inside and outside of your house for holes. Mice only need an opening about the side of a dime to squeeze through. You may need to do additional research on how to seal concrete or siding but it will also help with energy costs.

Thanks for watching and good luck with your pest control project. Please remember that natural is always better than chemicals. I hope you enjoyed my video about how to get rid of mice.

Other videos about how to get rid of household pests:
Bed bugs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZLzmJZqQYA