Available Here: Mice Care

What I've Done - Of Mice & Men

Dislike 0 Published on 22 Feb 2008

Disclaimer: All songs and clips used in this video belong to their respective owners and are no creation of my own. This is a non-profit-Video made for entertainment purposes only.

Oh my GOD. I have had the last straw. God, I am SO TIRED of having these ridiculous debates with you idiotic people!!!! Okay, here's what I am going to say, and if you people are losers enough to yell and judge me before reading it, then that's your problem, and you're stupid.

Listen, I believe that George did THE RIGHT THING by shooting Lennie. He would endured a painful death under Curley, and it was the right thing to do. I also believe that George was a good friend to Lennie.

THIS VIDEO IS NOT TO VOICE THE OPINIONS OF MYSELF. It is a video trying to portray GEORGE'S feelings of the situation. He would obviously feel guilty about having to shoot his friend after they had been together for so long. And then he would start to question his entire care of Lennie, and feel guilty about everything he ever did to Lennie, and by putting him in questionable positions.
After the end of the book, George looks back on all of the horrible things he did -- forcing Lennie to fight Curley, not keeping a closer eye on Lennie, yelling at him constantly, and, most of all -- for shooting him. George knows if he cannot erase these horrible memories, he'll never be able to let go. Set to "What I've Done" by Linkin Park