Available Here: Mice Care

caring for mice ~ mouse set up

Dislike 0 Published on 11 Jun 2011

These are two female mice. The grey is a curly haired and the fawn is a regular coat. Both mice are around 7 months of age. I change their bedding once a week and replace the bedding with fresh wood chips. To keep them busy I often put bits of paper, wool, string, tissues, fur, and other bits to keep them busy making their house. Each week they get a small house from a different cardboard shape to keep their busy little brains occupied. The fawn mouse enjoys the wheel they grey has not understood the concept of spinning yet. Both enjoy carrot, seeds, dry dog food, wheetbix, or any crusts. They have no concept of full so they will eat and eat and keep eating. They like popcorn too! I love the way they carry the popcorn into their house! LOL