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Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 Summary

Dislike 0 Published on 30 Oct 2015

“Of Mice and Men” Chapter 2 Summary
By John Steinbeck

This Chapter starts out with George and Lennie being brought to the ranch bunk house and sort of just meeting everyone this chapter. You are introduced to 6 characters who pop in and out of the bunk house. I will post a description of them including their description.
Candy: Old tall skinny man, missing an arm, with an old blind smell dog http://goo.gl/T5Pj0t
The Boss: Owns the ranch, small, stalky man, doesn't do manual labor http://goo.gl/BTq7fT
Curley: The bosses son, has a serious case of short man syndrome looks just like his dad. http://goo.gl/7MMRkM
Curley's wife: Curly hair, make up galore, way too flirty for a newly wed. https://goo.gl/OhsSAv
Slim: Black greasy hair, ageless face, most respected man on the ranch, runs the teams, incredibly nice. https://goo.gl/bGQNPe
Carlson: Big guy- mostly in the belly, has a sense of humor. http://goo.gl/M2sYG0
At the end of the chapter George and Lennie go off to dinner. Lennie doesn't like it here and wants to leave because Curley wants to fight him and Curley's wife flirts with him.

Chapter 3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaMUyQ6aO1w

Intro song: https://soundcloud.com/onderkoffer/jay-z-run-this-town-onderkoffer

This video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoQ7DrSSqYY

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