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Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 summary

Dislike 0 Published on 17 Oct 2015

Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Summary
By John Steinbeck

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Chapter 2 link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoQ7DrSSqYY

Opening Music: TNT by TroyBoi & Tincup

The first chapter is set in the scene next to a river with a bunch of sycamore trees in Soledad, California. We are introduced to the two main characters, George and Lennie. George is a small guy with defined features. Lennie is a huge guy, with a shapeless face. Lennie is somewhat mentally challenged. These two men were run off of their last ranch in Weeds, California because Lennie tries to pet some girls dress because it looked soft.
They are coming down to Soledad, California to work on a new ranch where nobody knows them and where they don’t have a reputation. Throughout the chapter Lennie keeps catching mice and accidentally killing them because he pets them too hard. He is literally obsessed with things that are soft and nice to pet.
George makes the two of them camp the night there because he doesn’t want to the run the risk of people finding out how slow Lennie is and them losing the opportunity for work. George takes care of Lennie because he is a decent person and feels like Lennie can’t take care of himself. George tells Lennie when they get to the new ranch to not say anything but to just stand there. He tells Lennie that if he does something to get them into trouble again to come back to this spot next to the river and hid in the brush until he comes.

This video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F7NiNmR3wE