Available Here: Mice Breeding

My snake swallows a mouse

Dislike 0 Published on 23 Jun 2010

This is my Albino Motley Corn snake, I probably shouldn't have the aspen in his feeding tank but, I think hes more comfortable with it in there. I got it from an online store with their own breeding facility. The snake itself cost $45, the overnight shipping was $30. He is about 14 inches long. Still young and growing fast.
I didn't get the strike because the lighting was way too dark in my room, its still pretty dark here, but its usable footage, I also sped it up so it wouldn't be so boring to watch a long video of my snake working the mouse down.

If you don't know, snakes are carnivores, which means they eat meat. I feed my snake thawed frozen mice, he just started on fuzzies.
(If you didn't want to see my snake eating, why did you click this)

The song is the opening theme to Umineko no Naku Koro ni