Available Here: Hamster Breeding

How To Stop Bar Chewing!

Dislike 0 Published on 10 Jan 2013


Before trying any of these methods please ensure that your pet is living in a suitable habitat first, stress and boredom are the most common cause of bar chewing. While these methods can help to discourage bar chewing temporarily the most common permanent fix is to improve their habitat by increasing the size and adding more stimulation.

Please remember hamsters NEED toys to help stimulate their minds and bodies, they should have enough toys to fill their cage and keep them busy all day long. Suitably sized wheels, treat dispensers, hanging toys, puzzles, bridges, houses, hammocks, boxes and tubes are all cheap to buy and make but use your imagination when shopping for your hams :)

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Find Our Website! - http://bobtailhams.weebly.com

For any of you ham questions please visit the forum Hamster Central - http://hamstercentral.com
The National Hamster Council (NHC) - http://www.hamsters-uk.org/


Think before you breed article - http://www.hamstercentral.com/community/breeding-hamsters/309-think-before-you-breed.html

Lists of breeders to buy your breeding hamster from (never breed from pet shop hamsters)
(UK) - http://www.hamstercentral.com/community/list-hamster-breeders-rescue-facilities-board/4525-hamster-breeders-united-kingdom.html
(US & Canada) - http://www.hamstercentral.com/community/list-hamster-breeders-rescue-facilities-board/4526-hamster-breeders-north-america-canada-usa.html
(Europe) - http://www.hamstercentral.com/community/list-hamster-breeders-rescue-facilities-board/4527-hamster-breeders-europe.html