Available Here: Guinea Pig Care

How to Keep Your Guinea Pigs Cool in Summer

Dislike 0 Published on 17 Jun 2017

9 Tips on how to keep your guinea pigs cool in summer and help them beat the heat.
1) avoid direct sunlight.
2) make a little guinea pigs A/C. Put a water bottle in the freezer overnight.
3) Roof slates, bricks or tiles tend to be colder than other materials in summer.
4) If you have plastic hideys in your cage, take them out in summer.
5)Of course, also always make sure that your guinea pigs have enough water and that their water bottle is full.
6) Another easy way to build a piggie A/C is to place a damp towel over a willow bridge.
7) Watery veggies are a great snack in summer. You can put pieces of cucumber on a plate or plastic tray and pour a little bit of water on the tray.
8) A very refreshing piece of fruit can also be great in summer. Water melon is as refreshing for piggies as it is for humans, even though, of course, it contains lots of sugar.
9) Guinea pigs tend to be lazy when its gets really hot and sleep a lot. If you have a large enclosure it could be a good idea to set up hideys and hay racks close together.
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Guinea Pig Noises 1: https://youtu.be/bES0evmRXZc
Morning Routine: https://youtu.be/lGVGFkQwtKA
Guinea Pig Noises 2: https://youtu.be/2RGw7rHFvVo
What to do when your guinea pig is pregnant: https://youtu.be/-3_QQ2Zvs94

Music by Nicolai Heidlas - Get Happy
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0