Available Here: Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pigs, Miss Teddy & Miss Piggy

Dislike 0 Published on 30 Mar 2009

If you like guinea pigs, i think these two are cute too. One was a give up and one came from the shelter. They get 5 green vegetables every morning and parsley at night with their hay. (ridicchio, dandelion leaves, 1 leaf of romaine lettuce, 1/2 carrot with the green tops - they love those too, and so much more . I work in other greens when they are available at the organic market. They are a joy to have around.
I use the Care Fresh bedding in the color grey. no newspapers - just the soft comfy bedding is great and scoops right up to replace with clean.
i don't use hanging water bottles either - just heavy water dishes - they run to the bowls every morning when i put in fresh water and its another chance to see how cute they are. hope you think they are cute too.