Available Here: Guinea Pig Breeding

Skinny Pigs Mating

Dislike 0 Published on 9 May 2007

The female will come into season the estrus cycle every 16-18 days and with each session lasting 24 hours. There is a mucus plug inside the female virgina that blocks the female virgina when she is not in season. When she come into heat the mucus plug falls off or dissolves and allows the male to mate with the female. Normally the male cannot mate with the female because the mucus plug is inside the female virgina and blocking the male from mating. Only when she come to her heat cycle the mucus plug falls off or dissolves and the female will mate with a male 4 or 5 times in that period. Then mucus plug covers up again and she cannot mate again until next time when she comes into her heat cycle. If she get pregnant there is a different mucus plug that will cover the female virgina more permanently until she give birth. Within 48 hours of giving birth the female will come into heat and ready to take a mate. So, just before giving birth all males must be separated from pregnant females that are due.

When female skinny pig is not in season she will run away from the male, bite the male or spray to male's face, if he continued to bother her. When she is not in season they will never mate. If you see this video the male is searching and smelling for something, that is female will release a scent and she will let the males know that she is ready to take a mate.

When keeping skinny pigs, each cage or cage area should have a TEMPERATURE SENSING DEVICE like a THERMOMETER to measure and to show you the temperature of that particular area of the room. If you have a very very big room or a basement and then you have just one TEMPERATURE SENSING DEVICE LIKE A THERMOSTAT OR A THERMOMETER then one part of the room maybe cold and one part maybe hot; or one of the room in your basement might be cold. Then you have no way to tell the temperature of the "!cage area!" of that particular room. That is why in every cage or near every cage-area you need a THERMOMETER. Some times cold air or hot air might be coming into a particular part of the room and by having a THERMOMETER you can detect the TEMPERATURE VARIANCE in that room and take the necessary action to correct that. If you have one cage or several cages in "one area" then ""hang"" a TEMPERATURE SENSING DEVICE like a THERMOMETER in one of the cages in that particular areas.

The Skinny Pigs should be kept at room temperature between 18°C (64°F) to 25°C (77°F). Also it is very very important to keep a hiding place or a igloo for them to hide in. If its get cold they can go and hide inside the hiding place or igloo and create a warm temperature inside the igloo. Their body heat get circulated around, inside the igloo and they will keep warm. Otherwise it is equal to TORTURING these animals if you left them in the cold and they will eventually die. Never ever leave them in cold, they can't speak and they can't tell you it is cold. If it is cold for you without your clothes then it is cold for them as well.

Also remember they are small animals plus they don't have fat layers underneath their skin like humans do, so they will feel the cold more than us humans. Best to keep the room temperature at 23°C (73°F).

Also never leave them in direct sunlight or don't put any ultra violet lights because they will get skin burn. Keeping them in cold place or hot place equals to TORTURE. Imagine what it would be like if you are in some where without cloths in cold place or a hot place, as time goes on you will begin to feel week and get sick. Remember to close any open doors or ventilations from where cold or hot air might come and don't keep them near heaters or air conditioners. Don't leave them outside the house or in a garage, they are very sensitive to temperature since they don't have fur. I don't have a hiding place in any videos because I have took them out to video tape them otherwise they will go and hide inside and I can't video tape them.