Available Here: Goat Breeding

Doug Fine On Breeding His Goat

Dislike 0 Published on 13 May 2010

Organic Cowboy Doug Fine got his goats off Craigslist, named them after singers he liked but who have goat-like voices -- Natalie (Merchant), Melissa (Etheridge) and of course Nico (the actual singer, he believes, might be part goat), and then wrote a bestseller about it (Farewell, My Subaru) on his remote New Mexico Funky Butte Ranch. Here's a clip from his live Green comedy event -- an experience that is not to be missed.

In short, Doug's troubles started when he stopped meditating with the goats and realized that in order to enjoy fresh, organic milk, cheese, yogurt and (most importantly) ice cream, he actually had to breed his Natalie with a (cue horror music organ) billy goat. A disastrous decision in smell alone. Enjoy!