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The Biggest Snakes Ever Discovered On Earth 2017

Dislike 0 Published on 23 Mar 2014

This is a list of the largest snakes in the world. Largest Snake ever discovered was probably the largest non-marine creature living on earth.

#1 Titanoboa

This monster snake lived 60-58 million years ago. It is the largest snake ever discovered, reaching a length of 12-15 m (40-50 ft), and weighing about 1135 kg (2500 pounds). The fossils of 28 of the titanoboa were found in coal mines in Colombia in 2009. Prior to that, a few fossils were found in ancient tropical areas of South America.

#2 Boa Constrictor

The Boa constrictor can reach sizes of .91-4.0 m (3-13 ft). Interestingly, the female Boa is larger and longer than the male. They can be found in North, Central, and South America, and in some areas in the Caribbean. They can reach up to 100 pounds, but that is rare, and they normally weigh less than half that. that.

#3 Reticulated Python

This species of python is found in Southeast Asia. They can grow to a length of 6.95 m (22.8 ft) in length. Good swimmers, they have been seen in the sea and found on nearby islands. Although they are definitely strong enough to kill a human, attacks are rarely reported.

#4 King Cobra

The world's longest venomous snake, the King Cobra can be found primarily inhabiting the forests from India to South Asia. With a length of 5.6-5.7 m ( 18.5-18.8 ft), they prey primarily on other snakes. They are considered a very dangerous snake, and like most snakes, try to avoid confrontation with humans.

#5 Green Anaconda

Reaching more than 6.6 m (22 ft) long, the Green Anaconda is the heaviest and one of the longest snakes in the world. They are found in South America, and size is often determined by the type of prey they have available. There is not a large accounting of those living in the rain forests, so accurate maximum size is still up to speculation.

#6 Scrub Python

The Scrub Python is the largest snake in Australia. It can also be found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and other islands in the area. Although the typical adult is approximately 2-4 m ( 6.6-13 ft) long, specimens have been reported of at least 8.5 m (28 ft) in length. To reptile enthusiasts, it is a popular snake due to its interesting coloration and

#7 African Rock Python

The African Python, although nonvenomous, is one of the world's most dangerous snakes. Sometimes exceeding 6 m (20 ft) in length, it is one of the world's top 5 largest snakes, and the largest snake in Africa. It kills its prey by constriction, and has been known to eat prey as large as crocodiles. An African Python was spotted in the Florida Everglades in 2009, and it is feared that it is now inhabiting that area as an invasive species.

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