Available Here: Funny Horses

Bucking/Bolting Horse!!!! Almost falling off at a horseshow -Magic&I (funny)

Dislike 0 Published on 27 Apr 2009

Its not in the best quality but its pretty funny! lol I had no clue he was going to do this as you can tell and i almost came off knock on wood for later shows :P so I tried to make it really funny, the last clip is from an Eq medal class at the show (i love the lyrics during that clip :P) Music is Invincible also this was indeed at a show and it was a double show (we usually don' t have too many of those in arabian shows, its like 2 judges but you get places from both judges, not the average so 2 ribbons or whatnot-) anyway one judge did not see it and i ended up winning on one card lol it was in Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship - its funny to look at later haha