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Molly Fish "Mollies" Care, Tank Mates, Food, Size & Habitat

Dislike 0 Published on 5 Mar 2014

http://amzn.to/2ytLF51 - This is the best food I’ve found for them. It’s a top quality flake food made by Omega One brand.

Omega One Flake Food: http://amzn.to/2ytLF51

Taking care of Molly fish or also known as "Mollies" isn't that difficult. I would first advise that you have at least a 20 gallon aquarium or larger. I do understand that some people keep these fish in smaller tanks like a 10 gallon aquarium but is fish are very fast swimmers and really enjoy moving around a lot throughout the entire day. I'm a big believer in the idea of these fish needing more space than 10 gallons and I'm sure you will agree with me when you really look into it. http://www.molly-fish.com

As far as finding tank makes for Molly fish you can use other Livebearer fish like guppies, swordtails, Platys and so forth. I keep mine with Gourami fish and even some nice South American cichlid species like blood parrots.

These fish are tropical habitat fish so the water temperature should between 79 to 82°F. When trying to choose the heater set up for your aquarium you can figure on needing 5 W for every gallon of water your aquarium holds. There is no getting around the fact that these fish need tropical water temperatures so do not skip out on buying a heater for your aquarium. https://youtu.be/NYN3cHOPHco

For feeding these fish you should buy some tropical flake food and try to buy a decent brand because it is going to be the core support of what you feed these fish almost every single day. For the other days you should feed your fish a treat like food such as brine shrimp or mosquito larvae or bloodworms. These are difficult to find if you go to a pet store but your Molly fish will greatly appreciate these.

Heres a fish I hope to own some day. The buffalo or lions-head cichlid. Scientific name Steatocranus casuarius. I rarely see anyone keeping these fish. I’ve always been a fan of the elongated cichlids, I believe there are a few species, one which has red eyes.

One of my all time favorites. I had a pair of these back in the late 80’s male had a really nice hump head and both had amazing blue eyes. Didn’t seem to be a over aggressive fish but very territorial. I also keep an eye out for these, couple places will get in small unsexed but I don’t recall the last time I have seen any adults.