Available Here: Fish Care

Old clip of freshwater fish in aquarium koi piranha turtle puffer fish catfish in London

Dislike 0 Published on 22 Nov 2009

How much water to take out?How often to clean your filters? How to get rid of algae? Why are the fishes sick?
Sometimes it is just the water chemistry or sometimes it is just the food. Too little or too much? How would you know?
SA Aquatic is an organisation where the primary goal is to help you to take care about the fishes. No cutting corners, no patching up. SA Aquatic goes to the source of the problem.
We have over 25 years of experience of fishkeeping in coldwater, golfish, african, malawi, south american,lake victoria, tropical and brackish water fish tanks.
If you have a problem with your fishes, or just need an advice on how to do things right, contact SA Aquatic at www.sa-aquatic.com.
Follow us on twitter @SA_Aquatic