Available Here: Exercise Rabbits

Homemade Rabbit Toys

Dislike 0 Published on 2 Jul 2014


Make a paper towel toy. You can stuff hay in cardboard tubes to make a quick, fun toy for your rabbit. You can either use kitchen paper towel or toilet paper towel rolls.

Let your rabbit play with cardboard boxes! If you cut "doorways" into cardboard boxes, your rabbit can chew on it and use it as a place to earn some peace and quiet.

Make a sock toy. Stuff a clean, old sock with hay and tie the end for a fun toy. You can add a treat such as a slice of banana for added enjoyment.

Use shoelaces. You can tie extra shoelaces around the rabbit's cage for it to play with.

Let your bunny play with paper. You can scrunch unwanted paper such as old newspapers into balls for the bunny to shred, or shred it yourself so your bunny can dig and rest in it. Ensure that the paper does not have ink on it, or that the ink is soy-based, like most newspapers.

Find or buy an old cuddly toy. Take off any plastic parts, such as whiskers or tags, and give it to your rabbit to play with. Some rabbits love grooming stuffed animals.

Make a wooden rabbit chew toy by buying (un-used & untreated) wooden spoons.

Give your homemade toys to your bunny and watch him or her enjoy it!