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Melatonin and Exercise Help in Alzheimers Disease

Dislike 0 Published on 12 Oct 2012

Research from Barcelona on mice with genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's Disease showed that a combination of melatonin and exercise lowered their risk for developing the disease. This combination protected the brain from oxidative stress and from excesses of amyloid and tau proteins. It also improves energy production in the brain, which is what ultimately leads to memory issues and deterioration.

Melatonin is a very powerful hormone with anti-oxidant properties that is often used as a sleeping aid, for jet lag, and as a treatment for cancer. Its major function is to control hormone production of most hormone systems in the body. When it is used in milligram doses it is thousands of times the dosages secreted by the pineal gland.

Drugs are not a good solution because they provide minimal help and they have worrisome of side effects. Lifestyle strategies such as mental and physical exercise can delay or prevent the onset of AD and should always be part of an AD treatment program. It is also important to know that there are many prescription medications that are "anti-cholinergic" that are discussed in the videos below that can aggravate symptoms and should be avoided. Lastly, Dr. Saputo provides new cutting edge research that includes how light therapies can be used to reverse some symptoms of AD.

For those of you interested in incorporating the most recent scientific breakthroughs into your treatment program, Dr. Saputo suggests you take our Alzheimer’s Disease Health Assessment. It is free and only takes about 2 minutes to complete. Based on how you fill out the assessment, certain audio and video files will be suggested for your review to help you learn what is possible deal with your particular symptoms. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production of the hippocampus region of the brain begins to fail and atrophies. Nutritional programs make it possible to resuscitate some mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms.

Drugs are not a good solution because they provide minimal help and they have worrisome of side effects. Lifestyle strategies such as mental and physical exercise can delay or prevent the onset of AD and should always be part of an AD treatment program. It is also important to know that there are many prescription medications that are "anti-cholinergic" that are discussed in the videos below that can aggravate symptoms and should be avoided. Lastly, Dr. Saputo provides new cutting edge research that includes how light therapies can be used to reverse some symptoms of AD.

For those of you interested in incorporating the most recent scientific breakthroughs into your treatment program, Dr. Saputo suggests you take our Alzheimer’s Disease Health Assessment, http://doctorsaputo.com/survey/92/pag... It is free and only takes about 2 minutes to complete. Based on how you fill out the assessment, certain audio and video files will be suggested for your review to help you learn what is possible deal with your particular symptoms. For more information, visit http://doctorsaputo.com