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How to Improve your AIM in Overwatch | 5 Drills to Get Better (Overwatch Guide)

Dislike 0 Published on 8 May 2016

Today we'll show you how to aim better and how to snipe in Overwatch, Blizzard's new first person shooter.

This guide shows you five different drills to win more with Widowmaker, Soldies 76, Tracer, Hanzo, or anyone else with reliable shooting mechanics.
*Google Doc Tracking Sheet:*
This is the original, make a copy or download to Excel http://bit.ly/1Wi6Ccr

*Before you begin*
Some setup, your mouse moves too quickly! Go into Control Panel-Mouse-If you don't have a program installed that controls your mouse, go into Control Panel - Mouse - Pointer Options, and uncheck "Enable pointer precision." This is Window's mouse acceleration. Essentially, if you move your mouse 3 inches, you want your pointer to move 3 inches. With acceleration on, if you move 3 inches quickly it'll move your pointer 4, 5, 6 inches. You can also slow down the pointer here if you don't have a fancy mouse with a standalone control program. Generally, you want one across-the-mousepad swipe to spin your character 180-360 degrees in game. It will feel slow and awkward at first but you'll get used to it.

*PS4 and XBox Console Player Option*:
You can use an option called Input Mapper to bind your controller to the keyboard. Lots of potential uses for this.

*The plan:*
Do these once a day. You don't absolutely have to do these aiming drills every day, but you'll notice better aiming if you do.
1. *Sheep* x 10 (Reaction Time)
Click the tranquilizer dart when the sheep leave the herd. I like this drill for reaction time because it is movement based reaction, which you'll have when sniping in Overwatch. Also it's cute.
2. *Human Benchmark Reaction Time* x 50 (Reaction Time)
This is a very basic color change reaction time drill, which isn't the best, but this site is a good baseline and has lots of cool charts and data.
3. *Aim Booster* Challenge x 10 (Aiming)
Great site for improving all aspects of aiming. Explore all the different drills and focus on the one's you're terrible at. You can change the options to make the drills doable until they're easy, then bump up the difficulty.
4. *Shoot* x 10 (Aiming)
Twitch aiming is reacting very quickly with the mechanics we've developed so far, and this helps develop that.
5. *Practice Range* 5+ minutes
I like using Widowmaker or Soldier 76 for this. This drill not only helps gets you used to hitting moving targets while you're moving also, which is a more realistic representation of a game, but the bots are pretty sporadic. In the websites, you aren't adjusting your POV or spinning your camera. Here you have to to kill everything. Use ults or don't, it's up to you.

Lots of people in the comments have recommended a game called OSU as well. It's like DDR, but with clicking, and apparently pro gamers use it. Tried it out, super fun.

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