Available Here: Exercise Mice

Lumps in Low Back, Top of Hip

Dislike 0 Published on 20 Oct 2012

Go to http://discomfortfree.com/lumps-in-low-back-top-of-hip/ for more info there is a website with a compilation of medical articles to send a doctor to at http://www.backmice.info Also see this channel about back mice https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVnqF2HIYCpGHOmGnqOSjEQ And for just one article that you can print for your doctor go to http://carpaltunnelmaster.com/EpisacralLipomasAndLowBackPain.pdf -- At least 10 percent of people have lumps in the low back or across the top of the hips. These lumps are not in the muscle and are not knots. They are not cancer and are not malignant. They are often painful when pushed on. In most people that have them they do not cause problems. In some people who have them they cause occasional back pain. But in about 10% of the people who have them they cause chronic back pain that mimics a herniated disc with pain often radiating down the leg. These are back mice. Other names include episacral lipoma, iliac crest pain syndrome, multifidus triangle syndrome, and lumbar fascial fat herniation.

Here's another link that was sent to me.

Hilma Volk Retired Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Nutritional Coach

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