Available Here: Exercise Hamsters

Hamsters Bowling!

Dislike 0 Published on 21 Mar 2009

The hamsters are Doughnut and Sgt. Peppers, girls. No hamsters were hurt during the making of this video, in fact they were deliberately going for the pins. And hamster balls are a fun form of exercise for the hamsters, so for some of you idiots out there, grow a few brain cells.

This was actually for my sister's middle school science project, they were seeing if colored balls affected the hamsters sight. They decided it did after observing them. etc

Toby, Frodo, Taz, Twix, and Butterscotch are the names of our cats.

[EDIT] I'm sorry to say, Doughnut, after a hard fought fight, passed away on July 8th, just past midnight. She was such a good and smart hamster, she will be greatly missed!
[EDIT 2] And to add on, Sgt. Peppers is gone as well. I don't remember when she died...but it was just her time to go. I'll also add that Totoro and Nausicaa, the other hamsters have all died as well. Totoro seemed to be sickly when we got her and...I don't know what happened to Nausicaa and I don't want to talk about it either.