Available Here: Exercise Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pig Tips & Facts

Dislike 0 Published on 2 Sep 2010

a few facts I think all owners should know, and a couple of tips. I made up the one about the smoothie! My pigs love it. There isn't any salt or anything, it's just pure juice, so it's perfectly safe! I think it's disgusting that the rule is '20 minutes minimum' for exercise. I give mine an hour in the kitchen most days, then they go outside for the rest of the day! some owners do not realise this, and they think they will get enough exercise running round in their cage, well thanks to petstores selling tiny 'cages' most piggies DON'T :( for you good owners outthere which realise this, I'm sure your pigs have the luxury of a big cage, but even so they should be let out DAILY. think of it this way; how would you like it if you had to stay in your room for the rest of your life?! It is important for the well being of your guineas that you take on this responsibility. thanks :) if you have any questions be sure to ask, and you can also ask for me to do a video request!
CavyCritters -x-