Available Here: Exercise Chickens

Where Are My Chickens?

Dislike 0 Published on 5 Jul 2006

The short film exercise that nearly failed me in second year. Our teacher writes a script that makes no sense and tells us we have to make it. I decide to take some liberties and put this together using the marking criteria.
The idea was, we had to film the script and demonstrate "INTERIOR LIGHTING". I nearly failed because apparently I "completely missed the point of the exercise" by exercising my rights as a director to make interpretive decisions based on the text.
This follows the script 100%, word for word - I shit you not. I just appropriated it to make it seem like something ...good...
P.S. The girl was a crewmember with a social disorder and incapable of working in a team environment - whoever does the admissions for RMIT's Film and TV needs to be reassessed.
P.P.S. Steven Skok is a jackass. Good gags, us pro's, capricosa?