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How To Get Rid Of SKINNY LEGS - Double Your Leg Workouts!

Dislike 0 Published on 6 Feb 2015

If your upper body is bigger than your legs, watch this video...

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Are your legs too skinny? Does your upper body respond better than your lower body?

Pretty much everyone who has been working out for any length of time will notice that certain body parts respond better than others. And this can vary for everyone. Some guys may have skinny legs, others may have skinny arms, and others may have small pecs, etc.

A lot of It just comes down to your genetics. But sometimes it can be caused from poor training habits. Very often guys start working out to build up the show off muscles of their chest and arms, while ignoring their legs... BIG MISTAKE!

This will cause your legs to look skinny and out of proportion compared to your upper body. And rather than looking good for having a big upper body, you'll look weird for having small chicken legs.

When you have skinny legs you need to prioritize them in your workouts. The best way to build up your legs fast is to double up on your leg workouts. Cut back on the frequency of your upper body training and increase the frequency of your lower body training.

So for example, if your upper body is strong and well developed, than only train your upper body muscles once a week. But do 2 leg workouts per week. This will prioritize your lower body development and over time it will help to create a more balanced and proportional physique.

You can use this tip for pretty much any muscle group that you are struggling to develop. Be it arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders, etc. Double up on the workouts for your weaker muscle group and cut back on the workouts for your stronger muscle groups.

This can go a long way to helping correct the problem, but realize that in some cases regardless of how hard you train a stubborn body part, it may always lag behind in development compared to your well developed body parts. But at least if you are aware of it and take appropriate action, you can minimize the imbalances in your physique.

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)