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The Cat Vomit Exercise AKA Kneeling Vacuums (HD)

Dislike 0 Published on 6 Nov 2012

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Ah, the cat vomit exercise. This is an ab exercise popularized by Tim Ferriss in his book the 4 hour Body, in the chapter "six minute abs". Apparently, while Tim was doing this exercise, his girlfriend commented on how he looks like a cat about to vomit.

It's true, the cat vomit exercise looks a bit strange. But hell, it works! This also known as a kneeling vacuum. Vacuums can be done standing or kneeling. The advantage of kneeling vacuums is that you can get a stronger contraction of your TVA (transverse abdominis, or corset muscle) thanks to the additional force of gravity. This is hands down one of the best abdominal exercises you can do and you don't need ANY equipment to do it!

You want to keep your arms under your shoulders more or less, and look straight down with your head. Take a breath in then forcefully exhale all of your breath. If you want a more complete exhalation, arch your back like I show in the video.

Now suck your stomach in as hard as you can. Try to touch your belly button to your spine. If you feel strain in your throat, it's normal. Sometimes the throat discomfort is pretty bad, in which case I recommend doing standing vacuums instead. Hold for 10 seconds then inhale and repeat the cycle for 10 repetitions.

Like I said, super easy exercise and very effective. It doesn't work the abs directly but it helps cinch up your waist and tones your 'other' six pack muscle, also known as the TVA or transverse abdominis.

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