Available Here: Duck Care

Duck Rescue

Dislike 0 Published on 1 Jun 2011

This is the Greater Skaup I saved from a snow storm. The following day we contacted the folks at the wildlife rehab center and they told us exactly how to care for him. You will notice in the video that Dawn and I sounded mighty clueless about what kind of duck he was and how to properly care for him. One call to the rehab center and they cleared it all up for us.

SOOOO, everyone who wants to comment and say we sound like idiots....well...yeah we did but we remedied that problem as soon as the phone lines were open.

I named the duck Stanley because every dead bird I see I name Stanley. I've always said that some day I'm going to rescue a bird and make sure he lives. Well, Stanley is quite alive and very healthy and happy and back in the wild with his original flock.