Available Here: Duck Care

Duck EGGS !

Dislike 0 Published on 15 May 2011

My Duck disappears for days sitting on eggs. There are no males ducks in my yard ever around to fertilize them, so they will never hatch :( But she doesn't know this and will sit on them for days and not leave whatever bush she hides in, not eating or drinking... so we have to go find her and crack the eggs. She lays them so often & gets so skinny from sitting on them. Plus if they are left there and not found it attracts hawks/crows & then she could get attacked.
I had 2 female ducks at one time, the other died of natural causes/got sick :( but the 2nd year we had them that one did get attacked by a crow (& lived, just with a big peck wound on her back and feathers everywhere in my yard).
It's okay... my brother took care of that mean bird lol
I've had these domestic ducks for 4 years now, they are the BEST pet I have ever had. Never thought I could fall in love with a DUCK. but I LOVEEE her