Available Here: Duck Care

Vet-Approved Bumblefoot Treatment WITHOUT Surgery: Ducks / Chickens

Dislike 0 Published on 15 Aug 2016

NEOSPORIN, Neosporin is the word I couldn't remember. IF the bird isn't eating, drinking or walking AT ALL, call a VCA or bird vet; antibiotic and surgical options exist. If the bird still wants to eat and drink and walks around even a little, here is the treatment:

1. Soak the bird's foot in warm epsom salt water (1tbsp salt, 1cup water) for at least 5 minutes.
2. Put a few drops of vinegar into a cup of fresh water for the bird to drink. Also make food available.
3. Dry off the foot and spray Vetericyn or put NEOSPORIN (omg, can't believe I couldn't remember that word) all over the infection site.
4. Wrap in gauze and medical wrap if possible...the cleaner it stays, the better.
***This process should happen once a day, twice if it's swollen larger than a quarter. Once the scab is gone and smoothed over, follow step 5.***
5. Continue applying Vetericyn or neosporin once a day until the bird stops limping...the swelling should be minimal or gone.

Comment or post questions and I'll try to answer! Good luck!

What bumblefoot looks like (warning, it's gross):
