Available Here: Duck Breeding

Duck Penis

Dislike 0 Published on 19 Jan 2011

This is an educational video about the ducks' mating rituals and more specifically the shape of the duck penis. While the amateur videographers who shot this clip did not intend for it to be so informational, it turns out that they captured a great depiction of the shape of a ducks penis, and more importantly, the true nature of how a duck's penis acts while it is exposed after mating.

At about :42 seconds (please pause at full screen to get a good view) the male duck dismounts the female and his "rotini pasta" penis bounces around like a spring coil. While the shape of the ducks' penis has previously been unknown to many, the aim of this video is to inform those of us who did not know where rotini pasta really comes from that it does, in fact, come from severing and drying many duck penises :)