Available Here: Dog Diet Advice

Cats and dogs - What do you feed them?

Dislike 0 Published on 29 Dec 2009

I feed our cats a RAW diet of meats that have been on their menu for around 120-130,000 years. Type "BARF Diet" into any web search engine and much information will appear about what is right for your felines and canines.
Type in "Pottengers cats" and read the research he did between 1932-42 with cats. Again it doesn't take a brain scientist to know that the right fuel for most animals is what they have been consuming for many, many thousands of years. Cats eat meat, not tinned CRAP that does not have all the essential macro and micro nutrients that their bodies require.
If you feed your animal the right variety of raw meats (as in canines and felines) you'll improve their whole quality of life.
Give it a go and change their diet today does their character change? Are they more energised? Do any of their chronic conditions start to reverse? Think about it folks! Anything with a SHELF LIFE will not have a SELF LIFE!
Over to you. Sending love