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How to Convince Your Mother to Let You Get a Dog

Dislike 0 Published on 5 Nov 2010

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrjIOFJfd3hiTMcve9uR8tUo
Watch more How to Improve Family Relationships videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/416278-How-to-Convince-Your-Mother-to-Let-You-Get-a-Dog

If you've dreamed of canine companionship but a stubborn parent is standing in your way, use this guide to champion all the benefits of a family dog.

Step 1: Research
Research the right type of dog for your family and lifestyle as well as the cost of the license, shots, and other fees. Be as knowledgeable as possible.

Show off several possible options to get your mother interested and emotionally involved in picking a cute furry friend.

Step 2: Display responsibility
Display enough responsibility to take care of a dog by keeping up with your chores, cleaning your room, and maintaining good grades in school.

Step 3: Talk about benefits
Talk about the benefits of getting a dog such as security at home, friendship, and more time outside playing instead of lounging in front of the TV.

Step 4: Offer incentives
Offer incentives such as chipping in for the cost, or ask for a dog as a gift for a birthday or for a major personal accomplishment like straight A's.

A part-time job will help with the costs of the dog and speak volumes on your commitment level.

Step 5: Counter negatives
Think of possible reasons your mother doesn't want a dog and come up with counter arguments to keep her from saying no right away.

Step 6: Beg
Beg as a last resort. If nothing's working, drop the topic, but bring it up periodically until a compromise is reached and a new puppy or dog is adopted.

Did You Know?
The bloodhound, known for its keen sense of smell, is the only dog breed to have the evidence it collects allowed in a court of law.