Available Here: Chicken Diet Advice

Pitbull dinner - whole chicken (warning: squishy and crunchy!)

Dislike 0 Published on 5 May 2009

Yuki eats chicken for dinner. She can't figure out why I've got a camera shoved in her face, and although her tail is tucked the whole time, it doesn't stop her from plowing through the entire chicken in rapid fashion.

Feed your dog whatever you want but ffs, stop lecturing me about how to feed mine when I'm taking better care of my animals than 99% of you jokers commenting like you're some kinda armchair expert.

Yuki has since eaten many chickens and loves the new diet.

"Domestic dogs and cats are carnivores. Feeding them the appropriate carnivore diet represents the single most important contribution to their welfare."
Tom Lonsdale, Veterinary Surgeon

Learn more:
http://youtu.be/G3wLTlqnMMg?hd=1 - Dr, Karen Becker explains raw meat for dogs & cats
